Same issue again (which was fixed previously) has shown up again.
Beta version: 2.3.8 (13060)
This: !#Templates
produces the same thing as
This: #Templates
Where the “!” should exclude subtags but currently it is including them.
Same issue again (which was fixed previously) has shown up again.
Beta version: 2.3.8 (13060)
This: !#Templates
produces the same thing as
This: #Templates
Where the “!” should exclude subtags but currently it is including them.
do you get the same problem performing this search in-app?
It works perfectly in the app.
We got it. A fix will be available as soon as possible.
I just downloaded the update. There is still a strange issue occurring and it occurs in the app.
I have a tag called #Templates and when I do a search with #Templates it finds those + ones with tags underneath it.
However, it I use !#Templates it is now displaying tags like (examples):
It is almost like the ! is acting like a wildcard in the search. Expected results for the search !#Templates would only display notes at the level of #Templates.
We have changed the query performing !#tag
because it was not working in the shortcut’s context and we noticed the old query can also give some unintended results.
is supposed to list all notes having #tag and none of its children tags and (if I’m getting you right) #Travel/Templates
and #Travel/Templates
are not #templates
If you want to exclude those you can try !#templates -#*/templates
Thank you. It still performs differently in the app vs Shortcuts. I pasted the query in the app:
#templates -#templates/
and it works as expected but when using that exact query in Shortcuts it returns more entries.