Slow Performance

Testing version:
2.0 (11504)

What were you doing:
Scrolling through a note

What feature did you use:

What happened:
Rainbow wheel every few scrolls.

What did you expect to happen:
Smooth scrolling without any (or very little) lag.

The note in question did have a very large PowerShell code block but it did make Bear painful to use in that moment. I’m concerned that as I get a more and more notes in Bear I’m going to hit this issue more and more.

Since posting this I’ve also experienced significant lag when typing text in another note. The note has 1,605 words (21,512 characters / 371 paragraphs).

If I open a blank note and type then it’s fine.

I’m on a MacBook Pro with the M1 Max chip and 64GB of memory so it can’t be a resource issue.