Over the past few years we have seen continued support for callouts as an extension to Markdown. Callouts are extremely useful for brining focus or warning to parts of a note. I feel like this would be an incredibly useful addition to Bear. A fantastic example of this is in GitHub (Basic writing and formatting syntax - GitHub Docs)
This is something we have considered. One issue with the current syntax is that it uses English for the callout types, but Bear is designed to work well in many languages. We know that Obsidian has a bit more flexible syntax, where you at least can customize the title.
Ideally the user won‘t see what happens on the level of markdown. That means that the translated titles could be used in user interaction while on raw markdown the English terms are used. The latter would guarantee compatibility with obsidian. It would be disappointing if bear would introduce call-outs but they are not shown as such or shown somehow broken in obsidian.
Yes. We value compatibility, but also good language support. Automatic translation might not be ideal either as we don’t know what language the user wants in a note. Supporting a custom title like Obsidan is one option.