Please, consider to include a theme with the everforest color scheme.
I love that theme and would love to see it in Bear. However, I’d rather have a way to create custom themes already and have a nice way for the community to share themes with everyone.
YES PLEASE. I’ve tried asking about the Everforest theme over on Reddit and haven’t really gotten any response. I use the Nord or Everforest theme on anything I can (I switch back and forth lol) and we already have the beautiful Nord themes so we might as well get the beautiful Everforest theme as well
Or like it’s already been said, give us the ability to create our own custom themes with some kind of color picker or something. I don’t know how all that works on the back end though
I mean I literally had a dev reply to this exact reddit post that I made 2 months ago for the everforest theme. Reddit - Dive into anything
I don’t know why it would be that hard to add it.