Will Bear 2 release with new themes?

Just curious if Bear 2 will release with new additional themes at release.

We do have a couple of ideas for new themes but it’s not at the top of our priorities at the moment. There is some specific theme you think might suit Bear?

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I use the Rose Pine theme in kitty and Neovim. It’d be great to have this beautiful palette in Bear 2.0.


I second this. And I think Bear team can involve some other beautiful code editor themes into Bear like Tokyo Night, Atom, One Half, horizon and other ones. That would be cool.


I am happy about the theme editor that may come. So the user itself can tweak existing ones or create new ones. According to experience that’s not that simple (to create own themes) as it seems. The more templates in form of new themes the better. I generally like light themes and cannot work at all with dark themes. What would exite me are different colours for different heading levels

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Hey, sorry it’s taken me so long to respond. I wanted to think about it before I responded as well. The best answer I can give is to please take a look at how Linear implemented custom themes. You can make the app look beautiful, pick your custom colors, but without it being to overwhelming.

Looks like they do some behind the scenes magic by letting the user choose about 6 or so main colors (background, accent, text, etc.) then they use those colors to create perfect complimentary colors like secondary backgrounds and text colors. You can also copy your theme and share it with anyone which is fantastic as well.

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A better selection of fonts (especially monospace) and editor options would be great as well.

Not sure if you’re done with this yet, but Nord might be a good candidate.

Bear already has a Nord theme.

Nord is exactly that one of the dark themes that i would like to have in a light version

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Wow, they work fast. They put it in there before I even knew I wanted it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Would loooove to see an Atom theme
CleanShot 2023-10-16 at 15.28.22

Can you please send me a link to this theme?

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Here’s a link to the theme as it is used in Obsidian : GitHub - kognise/obsidian-atom: A theme for Obsidian based on Atom's One family

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Custom themes please. Then folks can make their own Atom theme.


I wish solarized Dark was a dark them of solarized light instead of some other theme. My favorite background to text color is Apple Book’s Dark Calm theme which would be a Solarized Dark theme.

Will custom themes ever be supported? I ask cause Bear keeps releasing new themes.

The Theme Editor is indeed in our plans but considering the feature requests we had since 2.0 release we decided to invest in other features.

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