Things 3 integration

After Version 2 goes live, we need a Things 3 integration… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi Dan,
maybe the “Bear tasks to Things” shortcut might be of interest to you.

Thank you @max I will definitely give that a try. What I would love to see is that if complete a task in Things, it would complete the connected task in Bear. That may be way to complex to accomplish, but its fun to dream. :wink:

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Here is another shortcut you may use or modify to your needs:

Creates new Bear note with selected photo and links it to new Things todo item in Inbox with link to Bear Note in to-do item note field. Links both ways.


Great, though I may be missing something. The Things items links to the note, but I only find the #things tag in Bear but no link

Just Below Title

[Link to Things To-Do] :pencil2:

Not in your bear note?
Are you on Mac or iPad? Both should work …

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It does now, using the share sheet shortcut. Great job, thanks
(Both mac and iPad)

@roar this is great thank you. What are the actions under “stop this shortcut”?

That’s from an earlier version, where instead of creating a new to-do in Things, it just copies bear link to clipboard and open Things in it current view/todo item, that you may already have, and you just paste link into existing todo note field manually.

But then a couple of new actions above should be deleted/deactivated since they now would be redundant. And I didn’t get the two way linking in that old version.

I often insert Quick View and Stop Shortcut actions different places in code under development and testing to see what’s happening midway somewhere. It’s a clunky way in lack of a built in debugger.

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Another one:

List to Things - Shortcuts

Fixed and updated regex to strip off nested list tags

@danmills7: I’m in the exact position right now. What did you end up using? How do you use Things3 + bear now?

@seneca I gave up on the idea. In fact, I left Things 3 for Todoist.