I am impressed by Bear’s constant development; it’s a high quality application.
One feature I look for is in-app voice transcription. I use it all the time. This is becoming inexpensive and widely used and expected. It’s generally much better to use than cutting and pasting from a separate app, or relying on the Apple system transcription which is still a bit hit and miss.
Just saying… and wondering if it is on the roadmap yet?
I often use the standard macOS/iOS dictation with Bear. It’s much better than it used to be, even in Dutch. So far, I found only one minor bug in Bear’s implementation of it (and I’m not even sure if the fault lies with Bear). But perhaps I don’t understand what it is you are after.
I think what he’s asking for is a feature similar to Apple Notes, where you can record the audio but also get a real-time transcription. This is great for recording meetings or lectures, because you can tap on the transcript to jump to the corresponding audio - no transcription is perfect, and they don’t capture intonation which is often important.
I’d love to see the feature in Bear - even better if it uses something like Wisper to get even more accurate transcriptions, with identification of multiple speakers…