Write equations in Markdown

In general Markdown syntax it is possible to create equations by adding $$ before and after the LaTex syntax. But in Bear App it doesn’t work. So it will be great if syntax of equations are added.


Hi there Joon,

Many thanks for taking the time to leave us a post on here. I can see that this is your first post on the forum, so welcome to the community!

Regarding the above, we’ve plans for MathJax in Bear to support equations etc., but this will be after the 2.0 update! :slight_smile:


I’m so happy with the Bear 2.0 which has almost all features I need. The only feature missing that I need is LaTex integration. Is it coming soon?


May I suggest to copy a nice plugin from Obsidian: GitHub - artisticat1/obsidian-latex-suite: Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements. This allows one to supercharge LaTeX snippets + conceal and other niceties, which makes typing math REALLY fast. With such a feature Bear would be awesome for math academics!


Now that Bear 2.0 is out - any new on MathJax? Im crying everyday at University not to be able to use Bear as my main note taking tool. Please tell me those days will be over soon :face_with_peeking_eye:

As a Computer Science student, I also desperately need MathJax support in Bear. Bear handles notes containing code well, but most of my classes focus on the theory behind computing, and it’s nearly impossible to take these kinds of notes in Bear due to the lack of equation support.

Equation support is a commonly requested feature, and we want to add it eventually. It is not in the works right now, but it is good to hear about your use cases in the meantime.


Regarding use-cases, personally, my work involves a lot of fumbling with math and equations. I typically use Obsidian for my notes, but would also happily consider Bear if it had nice support for math. Ideally something like GitHub - artisticat1/obsidian-latex-suite: Make typesetting LaTeX as fast as handwriting through snippets, text expansion, and editor enhancements for fast math note taking.

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Is there any progress on this request, which has been going on since 2020. I use Bear daily but the lack of MathJax-enabled equation support limits what I can do by a lot.


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