X-callback url builder

I thought there used to be a URL-builder for x-callback URLs on Bear’s official website. Right now, X-callback-url Scheme documentation only shows the specs. It would be nice to have a tool to easily build URLs, e.g. for search in Bear.

I’m aware of Bear’s shortcut actions, but I would like to have the actual URLs so that I can put those URLs inside Bear or whatever app that supports opening x-callback URLs.


There was - it was here: https://bear.app/xurlbuilder/

This page loads a 443 error now, sadly. Would be great to have this working again!

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Hello, we’ll provide back the xurlbuilder pages as soon as possible.


Any news as to the return of the beloved xurlbuilder?

Yes they are back online. You can find the links here

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Thank you! I did find that but I seem to remember an online tool you could use on the Bear website that manufactured your URLs from a set of criteria you gave it…? and links that seemed to lead there are dead. Did I hallucinate that thing…?

Is this what you are looking for?


Thanks – close enough, but unfortunately no. There was the equivalent for custom searches, which (according to my bookmarks) used to live at


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URL builder for search:


Thank you, I think that’s it !