Freeform integration / x-callbacks

Hey there! I’d love to be able to add an x-callback URL to Apple’s Freeform canvas app, so I can open Bear notes from inside it, but I can’t even seem to find a workaround. Anyone got any ideas? Shortcuts isn’t very well supported in Freeform unfortunately. Hopefully this will change as the app grows …

FreeFrom doesn’t seem to recognize protocol URLs as valid links but You can overcome this limitation by using services such as tinyURL with Bear’s Note links.

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Thank you, that works quite nicely!

I tried both tinyURL and Billy. Both say the Bear link is not a valid format.

Any ideas?

Hm, works well with Bear links for me.

I tested several Bear links in Tiny URL:
bear://x-callback-url/open-note?id=2D7797EA-B9E1-4B8F-9E20-E8921A8D2689 or

and they all got accepted and works from other apps. :thinking:

  • I have to be online for links to work.
  • They, of course, only works on my devices with Bear installed and synced.
  • And they will not display any preview in Freeform etc.

Huh. I tried again now. Now it works.

I wonder if the URL I tried a few days ago was to a note that was corrupted?

Or related to my sync issue. Bear was running fine on my IPad. But the cursor turned invisible. So I uninstalled and reinstalled. Now my Bear on my iPad is syncing to a state many months ago.

The same thing happened on my phone. I sent logs to from my devices to tech support and it was fixed. But now I’m waiting for a response for my sending a current log from my iPad.

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PS. Think I found another workaround:

  1. Temporarily paste any regular url into Freeform
  2. Edit that link and replace with your Bear note link of choice
  3. Save (ignore ‘Link Preview Unavailable’ warning)

Voila! Direct link to Bear note working also offline and without TinyURL :nerd_face:

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That’s great, thanks!