Allow editing of Creation and Modification dates

Editing a note’s Creation/Modification dates would be incredibly useful. Believe it or not, the ability to edit “creation date” is one of the reasons Evernote is my primary app for archiving documents and receipts.

My primary use case involves scanning statements and receipts with my SnapScan scanner. Modifying the date manually allows me to match the creation date to the document’s date when I scan older documents.

Also, another post from two years ago asks for a way to edit the creation/modification date via API (URL scheme, scripting/shortcuts), so maybe these can be combined in some way. The ability to do this via an API would open up many possibilities for automating the import of documents.


Agree with this. I currently do this by changing the date of the entire system AND recreating a note just to change its creation date :frowning:

This is such an important feature! :pray:

This would be instrumental in use of Bear as a dated central archive for notes created in multiple other places.


As a workaround so far, you can start title of your note with date (e.g. “(240721) This is scan of…” or use date tag (#24/07/01). ) Of course, you can further create various shortcuts/macros to make it (changing/creating date in title or tag) even smoother.

I’m currently doing this as a workaround, but it is not nearly as elegant or useful as having the creation date match the document’s date.


After working with Bear for the last few months, I’ve come to realize that to effectively sort my notes by “creation date,” I need to start every title with a date in the format “YYYY.MM.DD” (e.g., 2024.09.11). This workaround is necessary until we have the ability to modify the “created” date of a note.

While I initially also requested the ability to modify the “modification date,” I believe that just being able to change the “creation date” would be sufficient and far more valuable.

Is there any possibility of this feature being implemented soon? This is the one missing feature that’s holding me back from fully transitioning to Bear as my primary note-taking system.

Hello! :blush:

Changing the creation and modification dates in Bear is more complex than it seems. These dates hold important metadata crucial for features like syncing, which is why they aren’t user-editable. While it’s technically possible to allow changes in the future, we haven’t yet found a reliable way to maintain smooth functionality while granting access to this data.

Hope this helps!

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