I don’t think TagCons have been touched since the early days, but now with Bear 2 out, I think they could use some more!
Are there any plans to support additional tagcons? Perhaps even the opportunity to use custom icon libraries?
I don’t think TagCons have been touched since the early days, but now with Bear 2 out, I think they could use some more!
Are there any plans to support additional tagcons? Perhaps even the opportunity to use custom icon libraries?
We’ve updated our TagCon library a few times, but we definitely do have plans to add more! Let us know anything in your mind, a genre or a specific tagcon you’d like.
For custom icons, it’s a bit tricky due to the variations of the sizes and compatibility with other UI elements. Most likely we won’t implement custom icons, but we’ll give it some thoughts and see if we could make the TagCons even more flexible!
I’d like a Personal icon, usually represented by a head. Currently Bear suggests a mirror icon for personal, which I don’t prefer. Similarly, an icon with multiple heads, usually to indicate a group of people.
If you right click you can change different Tagcons for your tags, I also have a #personal tag and I use the glasses TagCon for that
I know, that’s what I’m using currently. But on other systems (Notion, Obsidian, etc.) I’m using the “head” icon to represent personal. It’d be nicer to have it consistent.
Maybe some machine learning/ AI related icons, like a brain. Some more programming language icons.
Very much looking forward to more! What’s there is great, but there’s definitely room for a lot more. I submitted some to your Instagram story asking for suggestions a few months ago.
I wanted to throw out a couple of TagCon themes, and specific ones, I would love to see:
As someone who has argued that Bear’s tags can function like folders, I would love a folder icon, as well as a file cabinet.
I’m using Bear for product management, college courses, hobbies, etc.
One way to think about the tagcons needed would be to look at say, software development, and create icons for the different parts of that. For school, look at some learning paths and see where you might need some additional variety.
I’m finding myself in situations where there isn’t enough variety to use them well and I have duplicates.
Another thing that could work would be to let us use the icons within SF Symbols. There are a ton in there and they are consistent.
I’ve been thinking that sometimes the issue isn’t the absence of tag icons but rather the difficulty in finding them. For example, I was searching for a tree icon to represent planting in the garden, I looked for “tree,” which doesn’t exist. However, the “plant” icon is available and could work just as well.
Even for tags like “file” or “archive,” where nothing specific exists, using the “inbox” icon might serve the purpose. Similarly, when I needed an icon for trekking or hiking, I couldn’t find one. Instead, I settled for a “tent” icon, which, in some contexts, might be a suitable alternative.
Perhaps, until more tag icons are added, it would be beneficial to assign additional aliases to the existing ones to make searches easier.
Unfortunately, SFSymbols cannot be used for the Tagcons, as their current usage license does not align with our requirements:
Your use of Symbols obtained from Apple’s SF Font is limited to creating mock-ups of user interfaces for software products running on Apple’s iOS, iPadOS, macOS and tvOS operating systems.
Ah damn, that’s too bad.