Hi Bear devs! A quick question: I thought, some time during the beta phase, you said thgere would be more tagcons to choose from. Is that right? Or am I confusing with something else?
I ask because I have a couple of new categories that beg a tagcon that just isn’t there; and to me it looks as if there are the same tagcons as there were before…
I don’t have suggestions as to topics or images, but I do have a suggestion with regards to what I’d like to have: as much choice as possible. Something like Font Awesome would be great. With the tagcons as they currently are, I’m always struggling to find a match. I often use categories that are more like philosophical topics than anything tangible. For example, “mourning”. In Font Awesome, I can use a sunset for that concept.
You don’t have to have 26,000 tagcons like they claim to have, though
I just want to bump this request. As a brand new user, I feel the TagCons are very limited. I guesstimate there’s roughly 256 TagCons. Maybe that’s a hard limit… but it would be nice if something like remixicon.com which are open-source could be used.