Feature request: please allow note creation with bear://x-callback-url/add-text

Currently I am trying to create some workflows on iOS or MacOS by combining Drafts actions with Bear. I do that by using x-callback-url calls to create new notes and by adding text to existing ones.

I noticed that I first have to create a note by /create and with the return value (unique note identifier) I can in further steps add or completely replace the content of that note.

Pro: It’s easy enough to add text to an existing note without that unique identifier by using the full note title.

Personally, it is okay to work with that but it’s unneccesary complicated. Please consider adding an additional parameter to the /add-text action that would allow the note creation if a note with the used title doesn’t exist and otherwise respects the set options of mode untouched (prepend, append, replace_all and replace (keep the note’s title untouched)).

That would make workflows that either create a non-exisiting note or otherwise add content to a note with a certain title much easier.

I hope you might consider this idea as an useful feature request.


I wanted to create daily notes with Drafts and I achieved it by adding the logic via JavaScript. You can find a solution here: Bear script API - #6 by dahan - Actions - Share What You've Made - Drafts Community