Would be great if Bear can support Front matter at a minimal setting to enable properties of a note. This would bring a database-like experience at low barrier of entry without compromising Bear’s simplicity.
markdown: “awesome”
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Bear does support the yaml frontmatter
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I heard but if I try creating with '—" it just creates a Horizontal line across the note.
To create the frontmatter you have to finish with a second “—”. Alternatively you can use the command main menu → code → yaml and/or assign a hotkey for it in macOS settings. The latter one has two advantages: 1. It creates the complete frontmatter and 2. wherever your cursor is inside the note the yaml will be created at the top of the note
Thanks, I did add and close with another “—” but it just drew a full horizontal line again. I’ll keep at it.
Are you sure that you start the yaml from the very first line of the note?