How would you use Panda?

It may be due to a narrow-mindedness on my part, but i really don’t see any advantages of integrating files in the folderview like in obsidian. The only what comes to my mind is maybe that you have just one pane for browsing instead of two. But as you can see in obsidian: you need then a second pane when you want to show your search results in a meaningful way. I mentioned it in another thread: one of bears killer features is to click on a tag inside a note and you are brought to that tag and its notes list WHILE the note still is present as you just have chosen another context of the note. In obsidian that is not implementable by design.

That is my first argument for bear stylish way: the notes list and the search list are on the same place.

To sum up further advantages of seperating files from folders:

  1. The more files you have inside a folder the higher the probability that you ends with just a list of files withot seeing any folders anymore. In a seperated files list i still have on the left side the full folder view in overview and can quickly change to another folder without closing folders

  2. A seperated files list offers a more powerful presentation of the files: you can sort the files by different criterions (date or name) and you easily can display not only the content of a folder but also of its subfolders (by option). In latter case you even could group the files by folder (like ulysses) before applying the sort inside the groups. That would be possible in panda for the reason that a file has an unique place and cannot appear in more than one folder.

  3. A seperated files list can enrich the display of the files with useful information: the date, a short preview and with the coloured file tag

Nevertheless i am curious to hear those users who think an integrated folder-file-view inside only one pane is better