Testing version: Version 2.0 (11208)
What were you doing: Use Things quick entry to generate a link to a message in Mail, copy it from the task description in Things and paste it to a Bear note.
What feature did you use: Copy pasting
What happened: this is the what the mail link looks like: message:%3C3F16BF6A-E15A-4531-B898-57D3FED47BB6@icloud.com%3E
The last three characters i.e. “%3E” are not counted in the link in Bear
What did you expect to happen: The entire link to be read correctly by Bear.
Thanks for reporting this issue. I don’t have a good solution because We are concerned about changing the parsing rules for the URLs.
We use our own method for parsing URLs because it is way more efficient than the one provided by the OS APIs. Bear 1 was using the OS API and some notes with many untitled URLs might lead to the app being killed by iOS during sync or parsing.
When you drag a message from Mail to a Bear note a titled URL is generated with the same link. Titled URLs are not affected by this issue.