Make San Francisco / System Font available

Adding a new thread here, since the others related to this topic were Panda-specific.

I would like the option to configure the native macOS / iOS San Francisco fonts within Bear. Specifically, I would want to use these in any of the three places where fonts can be substituted: Text Font, Heading Font, and Code Font; so this would require support for the popular variations of San Francisco, described on their developer documentation here, but mainly: SF Pro and SM Mono.

Adding this ability to configure those specific fonts would go a long way towards increasing my personal adoption of Bear, as it would make the application feel seamless in the context of other applications that already support these displays, especially the native chrome of Finder, System Settings, notifications windows, etc.


Adding my plus one.

However Iā€™d love to use the system font for the ui too


Being able to use the system font for the UI and editor would be great.