Need help migrating from UpNote

I used the guide here:

And my notes did import into a tag (which is great), but all the linked notes ([Foo]( are an attachment copy of the note, rather than a link to the note. Help!


if instead of using File > Import From > Markdown Folder you select Obsidian do you get the desired result?

From a markdown standpoint that’s a link to a file and it’s correctly transformed into an attachment in Bear. Obsidian however has different ways to link notes via wiki, hard, and !wiki links.

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Thank you, that is getting closer, but when using ‘Obsidian’ for the import, all notes are duplicated:
Screen Shot 2024-10-07 at 10.13.52 AM
Screen Shot 2024-10-07 at 10.14.00 AM

It appears one of the notes is the original creation date, and one is at the time of import.

have you cleaned your Bear library before re-importing or, in other words, is this possibly the result of importing your notes 2 times?

No, I deleted all but 3 notes (which live under a separate tag), and made sure to empty the trash.

So UpNote’s export includes all the notes in the root folder, then a subfolder called ‘notebooks’, which contains all the Notebooks inside of UpNote. Inside of the ‘notebooks’ subfolders there are aliases to all the notes in the root folder. This was confusing Bear.

My workaround was:

  1. Use the script here inside of Script Editor (this will replace the aliases with the actual files):
    Script to replace alias with original file. - #6 by peavine - AppleScript | Mac OS X - MacScripter
on run
	set assetsFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select folder...")
end run

on replaceAliases(targetFolder)
	tell application "Finder"
		set recipeFiles to every alias file of entire contents of targetFolder
		repeat with aFile in recipeFiles
			set originalFile to original item of aFile -- the original file of the alias
			set containerFolder to container of aFile -- container folder of alias
			delete aFile -- move alias file to trash
			duplicate originalFile to containerFolder -- duplicate original to container folder
		end repeat
	end tell
end replaceAliases
  1. Delete all of the notes in the root folder.

  2. Convert the subsequent Markdown to the TextBundle format using this:
    GitHub - devinhurry/markdown-to-textbundle-for-bear: Convert a bunch of markdown files(eg. Obsidian/Joplin) to textbundle for bear note app to import

  3. Import the TextBundle folder of notes using the ‘Obsidian’ importer.

  4. Profit.

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