Outline Drag & Drop

The outline is an unsung hero of Bear 2—but it could be even greater if it allowed me to drag and drop to reorder headers (moving their subordinate content in the process, of course). There are plug-ins in Obsidian to make this work, but building it into Bear would enable authors to work with long text. I literally have whole books in individual notes and it works smoothly, except when it comes to reordering sections.

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You can do it easily in the Note it self.
Just collapse all Headlines and drag and drop them where you want them.

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True, I can collapse the header section, copy that section, scroll to where I want to insert it, and then paste the contents. However, copy/paste is inefficient for long structured content, such as a book draft. As mentioned, this is possible with Obsidian. It is also possible in Mellel, Scrivener, and Vellum. Outline drag-and-drop would make Bear all the more competitive in that grey area between note gathering and draft composition, especially since it handles long notes more reliably than Obsidian.

That is not what @Gardriel was demonstrating in his video. He was dragging and dropping - not cut/copy and pasting.

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No the text moves with the headline, but only when the headline is collapsed.
No copy and paste needed.

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I appreciate the workaround, but prefer the way the other apps have implemented this: drag-and-drop from the outline.

Understood, and appreciated. Exploring other workarounds, I can move selected content (either dragging over the content or selecting a collapsed heading) up with ⌥⌘▲ or down with ⌥⌘▼. This is under the Edit menu, Move Up and Move Down. Is it possible to use Shift Right ⌥⌘▶︎ and Shift Left ⌥⌘◀︎ to indent or outdent? If not, what are Shift Right and Left for?

Hold on, I can answer my own question. They are for use in lists. But it would be great if indent/outdent could work on headers as well!

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you can use ⌘ + ’ to togle folding for one specific line, is it that what you mean?
Else here are some more shortcuts:

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I posted a screened video to show how nice and useful that would be implemented in a good ui


Thanks for the video, krssno. That captures the concept nicely.