Love the toggle list and headers, I’m really going to use that a ton to better organize my content. I found the UI a bit hard to use. Getting it to expand and shrink takes a bit longer than the UI for similar features like toggles in notion. And in the test note i built with a header, I couldn’t figure out how to end the toggle section. I kept writing new text below the expanding header and it kept including it in the toggle, when I didn’t want it to. Love the idea, but the implementation needs something to make it faster to use
The biggest negative impact of the new editor by far for me was the moving of the indent and outdent buttons. The UI in bear is the single best UI innovation of any app, and single handedly caused me to cancel from Evernote on the spot and switch to bear. Please don’t move these buttons so that I have to click the new editor button every time i want to move bullet points in or out. That would be such a shame to loose, it made my mobile note taking with bullet points so so so fast.
I think you can do this only using bulleted lines. An indented bullet line folds under a higher bulleted line, so to continue with new text not under the same fold, create a new bullet line that is not indented.
Yeah, I tested it. Creating a new header then “stops” the toggle secant above, but that’s not super intuitive or easy to do.
It should be more obvious what area is “inside” the toggle, when that inside toggle area starts and stops, and more obvious whether the toggle is expanded or not. My only frame of reference was Notion, and it’s really clear and works exactly as you would expect it too. I’ve attached a screenshot below that shows how it works.
Agree this is closer to what I expect of collapsing. As it is, the only way I’ve found to have text not appear under a heading (without creating a new heading) is to add a “phantom heading” which is a blank line with a heading attribute. This was also the only way I could find to not have a horizontal line under a section collapse with the text. You can’t collapse a blank heading though, it actually kills Panda if you try.
Interesting, guess it’s still in progress, but hopefully this feedback helps! Either way, I’m thrilled that features like this are coming, makes Bear my app of choice for more of my workflows!
That’s like dividing by zero
Joke aside, I love the new folding function.
Indeed everything under that respective Header level will be folded, and I don’t see another way to change that except making a blank heading to indicate a “fold until here”.
I’ve also been playing around with folding and have been thinking about it for the last few days as it compares with apps like Notion’s.
Here are a few of my thoughts:
From its current implementation, I’ve concluded that folding in Bear is a secondary feature of a the markdown file, or a “page” or “note” first mentality. Notion, Craft, and Roam for that matter, are built off of the block (block linking, blocks displayed as links, blocks displayed as pages, blocks as disparate components within the page, etc.).
Obsidian, which is much closer to Bear than those mentioned above, also divides and collapses the page in the exact same manner and a H1 Header will collapse everything under it including all H2-H6 headers and content. The similarities between the two seem to imply that without a specific Markdown standard to end a “section” the individual sections are best marked with Headers.
I was initially glad to see folding in Panda, but I’ve thought a little bit about why I would fold content and I’ve come to see folding as a return to analog data in many ways (eg. books). With an infinitely scrollable text pane, folding content seems to make “notes within notes” and keeps users a step away from their content and data. Bear’s upcoming TOC will be much more useful than folding since a TOC doesn’t obscure content.
I originally made a feature request for a “unfold all” and “fold all” function, and while I still think that would be useful (more for the unfold all function), I see it as less than optimal… simply because folding obscures content.