Quickly mark entire TODO list (or selected items) incomplete

I have several TODO lists in Bear that I frequently re-use. So I tend to select everything in the list and choose Mark as Incomplete.

This is a bit on macOS, and as far as I can tell, impossible on iOS.

Is there an easy way to do this that I’m missing?

Ideally on macOS, there would be a keyboard shortcut to mark selected TODO items as incomplete. On iOS an option under the text formatting keyboard, or something similar would be useful.


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So far my workaround, such as it is, is to use the app Paletro from my Setapp subscription. It gives you quick access to deeply nested menu items in arbitrary apps

2025-01-23 09.54.39

You can use text replacements in iOS for things like that.

The Macos keybind for this is command + .
(command plus period)
But you have to highlight the todolists first, and then you press the keybind


Unfortunately ⌘+. toggles all todo items to the opposite of whatever they were. So if some are checked and some are unchecked, they’re all now flipped.

Still a useful feature though in some cases!