Quote Storage - single or multiple

I have a lot of quotes stored in Bear. I was wondering how other people stored all this data.

  1. do you store quotes individually?
  2. do you store multiple quotes on a common page? (ie. design quotes, technology quotes, quotes from a person)

Any thoughts on best practices?

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Iā€™m interested in hearing how others deal with quotes as well. I started by having one quote per note but have recently started organizing them by category.

I keep quotes in separate notes by type. For example I have a note for all the silly things my partner says with the tag #personal/family. I also have a note containing all the inspiring quotes I came across in books and Internet but I tagged it as #ideas.

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One quote per note. Quote as note title. I use tags for organizing.

The main reason is because I use the random note widget on my iPad for the quote tag. I see a new quote everyday.

If the quote pertains to a topic, I likely already have a note on that topic, which is where I put the quote. Otherwise, for more general quotes, I maintain a note per person if they have two or more quotes, and a catch-all note for people with only one quote.