Render equations / latex

Hi there,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Regarding the above, we don’t currently have any plans for implementing LaTex.

We do however have plans for experimenting with MathJax.

This isn’t a priority feature at the moment, but it is something we’d like to add down the line! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Bear is an excellent app and I’d love to see this feature sooner than later, since it obviously has a lot of community support.

If it ever makes sense to have a “pro plus version”, I’d absolutely pay twice as much for the app if it expedited the development of advanced features like rendering LaTex/MathJax.

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Thank you for the kind words, and for your support of Bear.

At the moment this isn’t a priority feature, but we appreciate the feedback regardless.

Also here to give my +1. Plus a suggestion … for easier editing I‘d love if a math block/inline math essentially behaves like a code block (different background, syntax highlighting) when the cursor ist inside. Even better … in blocks use \ as autocomplete popup trigger for MathJax commands (like : for emojis, the basis is already there).

Once the cursor leaves the block, the math get‘s rendered (like hidden markdown syntax).

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+1 add my vote too. Will be absolutely wonderful.

Thank you for the additional suggestion Luca!

Vote added.

As previously mentioned though just to manage expectations, this isn’t a priority feature at the moment.

Our current priority is to complete and implement our new Editor for Bear.

Everything else will be re-evaluated after the new Editor is released, including new planned features and re-visiting the idea of other features.

As Matteo mentioned, while we don’t have a specific update for this topic in particular, we are still experimenting with this feature. We’ve yet to find what we believe is the correct approach for implementing it, but we’re still working away at it so don’t worry.

However, we completely understand that if it is an urgently needed feature for you, Bear may not be the right option for you right now and that’s ok!

cant wait for this to happen so i can start using Bear rip

yep, for sure, having latex and many of its packages is a great feature :wink:

Also +1 this feature.

Hi Xi,

Vote added :slight_smile:

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Extremely solid +1 on needing this feature from me as well

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Hi there, your vote has now been added!

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+1, for your latex-votes sum :slight_smile:

the pencil input combined with latex would change my way of studying to a much better way, of this I am sure!! :slight_smile:

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+1 from me too. Missing this feature for so long. Swaped to Obsidian last summer to write equations but that sucks. I want to use Bear again :cry:

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Hi there, vote has now been added :slight_smile:

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Please add my +1 as well, this feature would be a game changer for me (CS student) in that I could finally take my class notes in bear!

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In the free version?

Vote has been added :slight_smile:

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