Render equations / latex

I will instantly switch to this app as soon as it supports formula. It’s really good app but just doesn’t support formula, which is a must for students.


Please add my vote! It will be super useful for a CS students

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It was already announced that it will come :wink:

As nice as full Latex would be, +1 for adding mathjax :grinning:, that would really bring the app to another level.

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As far als i remember it was announced that Mathjax will be implemented

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I literally can’t wait! Mathjax is such a missing piece in Bear

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Any news for Math formula feature?

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Mathjax support will not be in Bear 2.0 but will be considered for development after release.


Delighted to hear that you seem to consider this seriously. I quit using Bear about 3 years ago because this is essential to my work as a scientist. I miss Bear so much ! I would love to come back.
I much longer do we have to wait ?

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+1 for this feature. This is a dealbreaker for me.


Be patient! :wink:

Just adding a +1 - I absolutely love Bear, it’s a beautiful app, but I can’t use it for all of my note-taking needs without some sort of Mathjax type implementation. If it got that I could probably drop Obsidian.


+1 for this, in fact +100 for this.

This would be incredible. I would not have to have Obsidian to look at my engineering notes, or squint at the Latex equations to figure out what I am trying to say. And finally after years remove the #Refactor tag, for when MathJax support eventually comes out.


Just adding my +1 as well. this would be an amazing next feature to add to the editor now that the 2.0 release has been completed. I would love this as a 2.1 feature <3.

Until now I have been switching back and forth between Obsidian, Bear and other apps, but Bear is the only one I every really loved, mainly because of its beautifully crafted native experience. Having support for math would end my search for the “perfect” app.


At the risk of being greedy (given 2.0 was just released.) do we have an update on MathJax for Bear?


For what it’s worth, I was considering switching to Bear until I found out it was missing this feature. I’ll reconsider if it’s added.

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@matteo don’t suppose you have an update on this? Maybe implemented after the release of the web app?

p.s. Bear is my favourite note app on my laptop/phone!!


I am very keen to know / understand if this is doable

Bear 2.0 is published, when will this proposal be on the agenda?


Can we get an update on this please???