It would be great to have an update here. I understand there was some difficulty in implementations for the new editor, but nonetheless knowing if this is possible would be great.
No response from the developers. Definitely donât understand why a note-taking app that originally came out in 2016 still doesnât support Latex.
I donât write the app so I donât know any how hard it is. I read somewhere that implementing mathjax, in the new editor is not easy.
However, it would be good to hear from the developers a:
- yes weâre doing this
- were not going to do this
Either way is fine just would like to know
Since the Bear app uses a subscription based model paying users expect regular communication from the team on things that they are working on or are not able to implement.
Otherwise where is the ÂŁ2.99 a month going?
It would be nice for someone from the team to let us know if mathjax/latex can or canât be done, just a few words.
+1 for me too. This would be a great feature for me and people working in a scientific field.
Sooner or later equations will come. For those who are impatient a little video from ulysses that implemented math equations in a bearish way:
We hear you!
Bear 2.0 was a massive release, and we have been busy fixing bugs and usability issues since then. Going forward we will have more time to do new things, and there are many items on our list. We know that equations is something many would find useful, but it is not trivial to implement. So it is certainly on our radar, but nothing has been decided about it yet.
This thread alone goes back 3 years, and you still have nothing to say. It definitely doesnât sound like you hear us. Youâre a note-taking app and you donât support equations? Youâre the only note-taking app I know of that doesnât. I guess any student in a math or science class is out of luck. Iâm deleting the app from my devices.
Quickly implementing features never were our strength. Attention to detail is. Equation support is something we are actively discussing, and it was even planned to be part of version 2.0 of Bear. But then, as you might know, we got quite a bit of fair critique that we tried to do too much and that people would rather have it out already. We do listen to user feedback across all our channels when deciding what to do next. Then, we also factor in how much work it would be to implement and maintain each feature. There are so many things on our list that some frustration is ensured.
Every note-taking app forum I know is filled with people complaining about Latex (usually failure to render some syntax). The attention to detail needed is an order of magnitude higher for developers with Latex than most of what they do. Rendering Latex and providing an editor for it is at least as complex for developers as writing the rest of the note-taking app: if they plug in a library, users complain to them about its problems anyway.
Iâd rather it wasnât there until they can do it properly.
I always though equation rendering was too niche feature for note taking apps, until I actually started my engineering studies. Now it feels extremely necessary: hand-written notes arenât great on Bear as you donât have unlimited canvas to write your stuff on, and Bear isnât really meant for hand-writing. And writing down math with keyboard becomes very unreadable very quickly.
Count my vote for any kind of math rendering.
Meanwhile Iâd love to know if thereâs a service / web app that would take my LaTex, and spit out a PNG with the equation. Or some other workaround like that.
Mathpix does everything you need it to do, and will allow you to copy and paste easily into whatever you need.
Exactly something like this. Thanks!
Another vote in favor of even basic math support. Not being able to render pi, alpha, etc etc is very limiting. Loving Bear 2.0 otherwise!
I just tried Bear for the first time, and almost switched over from obsidian.
Itâs just missing TeX integrations, i need to be able to write math equations.
Kills the deal for me, wonât be making the switch, otherwise a good app.
Something like a native version of the LaTeX Suite plugin for obsidian would seriously make me consider paying for the app.
Just wanted to add my vote. I hope this gets added soon since I have to unfortunately leave Bear since because of a work-related change I need notes that support equations/TeX. Please be loud when you add this so that I am aware of it and can come back to my favourite notes app. Keep up the great work
Adding my vote here as well! I am a pro user but having TeX support for equations would be a huge improvement to day-to-day note taking for my field of work/study. I need to currently put any notes that require equations into a different app/location.
Please!! This would be great.
would love to see this implemented for my daily workflow