What happened: shortcut fails: “There was a problem running the shortcut”
What did you expect to happen: return files (if any) from note. This works except for a specific file that I don’t believe has any attachments.
The problem seems to be data dependent. I exported the note as a bear note but had to rename the extension from .bear to .textpack to be able to upload it.
The note reported is supposed to don’t have any attachment, correct?
If this is the case, the shortcut runs fine for me and I suspect the issue might be on a database file level.
I am having various other issues with shortcuts and bear which I list here for completeness. Hopefully there is some underlying issue on the part of shortcuts or bear that will be resolved in the future.
The search for -#journal still doesn’t work for me, so I search without the -#journal qualifier and remove those results with a regex after the fact.
I also have a shortcut that computes some [[date-based links]] then tries to update a bear note with the new information. It fails on my iPhone every morning when I first run it. So, I run it a second time and it has always worked so far.
I have other shortcuts that call a 2nd shortcut in a loop that fail sometimes, but after a different number of iterations, with the same input data, so not after the same amount of processing. These shortcuts sometimes run as expected, but if they fail a second or third try will usually get me the results.
It’s unsettling, but I am becoming accustomed to the behavior and have workarounds in all cases.
If I can be of any assistance in resolving these issue please let me know and I will happily help.
I don’t believe that I have any MOV/video attachments anywhere in my database and this file is not supposed to have any attachments. But thanks for the comment because it got me thinking.
I took a closer look at the file that is causing the trouble and there may be an issue specific to this file. As I said it fails when I try to get files in shortcuts even though I don’t believe that there are any attachments to this note. But, I just did a search for @attachments in my database and this file showed up in the search results, which is strange. Maybe this file does have problems and they weren’t fixed by syncing to create a fresh database.
I can’t find any information about attachments in the info panel. Do you know how I might get some insight into the attachments (if any) of a note from within the app?
I can’t work with it from shortcuts because of the problem that I originally reported.
Apologies, I thought so, but I just unfolded all the headers (it’s a long note) and I may have found at least one, sorry!
I use a shortcut from u/gluebyte in r/shortcuts that allows me to view shortcuts in an html format that is useful for analysis. I used this to create html files while writing the note, then referenced them via links, but some links have an embed:true flag that may make them attachments. I clearly don’t understand.
This is the first screenshot.
The second is the real attachment (I think).
None of the files pointed to by these links exist now but I wouldn’t have expected that to break the shortcut action to get files from note.
As you can see in my comment from today, my file actually does have at least one attachment. I apologize for any confusion, I really thought that there were no attachments.