Table Sorting Suggestion

A simple sorting capability would make tables super useful. It isn’t often that I create a table just to visually lay data out without also wanting to manipulate it in some way. Columns could have an up/down arrow icon which toggles the sort direction. (Example- for columns with numbers, sort via number values. For any column with a string, sort alphabetically.)


I agree! Personally tables are only useful when sorting is enabled. Smallest to largest and alphabetically is more than enough. Just some sort function.

Loving the updates to editor!

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+1 that was literally the first thing I checked out after installing the app. How to create tables and how can I sort them.



Pretty much every time I have a table, at some point I want to be able to sort its contents by one column or another. I love what you guys are building with the new Table feature, but it will be of limited use for me without sorting.

Something that might provide a manual workaround would be to allow quick and easy drag-and-drop reordering of rows (and columns) but I guess that deserves a different feature request!

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I also want to be able to drag the column to adjust it.

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Thank you @idiux for the feedback and suggestion, i’ll pass it onto the team to consider.

Thank you also @liuzhihang for your drag the column suggestion. I’ll pass this on also.


RE: Table sorting

Thank you for Bear. The Panda table interface is very good and much appreciated. But I agree with the comments on the need to sort table columns. This is so important that it may be worthwhile to consider sacrificing other features to achieve sorting. Thank you

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Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment on the post.

I’ll pass it onto the development team to have a think about.

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Any update on the status of sorting tables?

Sorting is not implemented. From other posts that I’ve read, it’s due to limitations of markdown itself.

Personally, I’m going to look at writing something to automate the sorting process. Perhaps a keyboard maestro macro.

Just created a table and was surprised to find out there’s no way to sort. Tables are kind of useless when it’s not possible to sort them, this is one feature that would be really great to add!