I’d love to help test the app
That will make me stay with Bear. Otherwise, I was forced to use UpNote since I also need access to my notes on my Android device.
I would also like to help test the app and provide feedback.
Thank you!
As pro user for a long time, it really a good news and I would love to test it.
Happy to hear about the news! I’d also love to try it
I would love to join the beta!
Long time Bear supporter. Would love to be able to contribute as a tester.
Would really like to be a beta tester for the web app.
Hello! I would love to test. I just got a new job and I won’t have a MacBook at my office, so being able to access my notes from a web browser will mean that I can keep using Bear!
Awesome! How do I get on the beta tester list?
I want to test it. I have been using Bear for iOS and Mac for many years, and now I am switching to an Android device. I really hope to have a web version
I would Love to test it!
Very exciting news. I would like to help with testing.
Count me in if it’s possible
If you are still looking for more testers for the bear web app, please do count me in.
Great news. I would love to test web version.
Would love to test it out! I am so excited for this! I use Bear for so much but have to use windows at the office. Right now, I look things up on my phone and email notes to myself at work. The web app is going to be a huge relief for me.
Please add me to the Web beta invite list
Really good to hear, I’d love to help test it
If not already closed, I would love to be part of the beta tester.
Waiting for this feature for years, I would be happy to help you on making this happen.