[Tester wanted!] Bear Web Beta update

I’d love to help test the app

That will make me stay with Bear. Otherwise, I was forced to use UpNote since I also need access to my notes on my Android device.

I would also like to help test the app and provide feedback.

Thank you!

As pro user for a long time, it really a good news and I would love to test it.

Happy to hear about the news! I’d also love to try it

I would love to join the beta!

Long time Bear supporter. Would love to be able to contribute as a tester.

Would really like to be a beta tester for the web app.

Hello! I would love to test. I just got a new job and I won’t have a MacBook at my office, so being able to access my notes from a web browser will mean that I can keep using Bear!

Awesome! How do I get on the beta tester list?

I want to test it. I have been using Bear for iOS and Mac for many years, and now I am switching to an Android device. I really hope to have a web version

I would Love to test it!

Very exciting news. I would like to help with testing.

Count me in if it’s possible :slight_smile:

If you are still looking for more testers for the bear web app, please do count me in.

Great news. I would love to test web version.

Would love to test it out! I am so excited for this! I use Bear for so much but have to use windows at the office. Right now, I look things up on my phone and email notes to myself at work. The web app is going to be a huge relief for me.

Please add me to the Web beta invite list

Really good to hear, I’d love to help test it :slight_smile:

If not already closed, I would love to be part of the beta tester.
Waiting for this feature for years, I would be happy to help you on making this happen.