[Tester wanted!] Bear Web Beta update

Yes! I would love to join the beta for testing!

Yes I would love to help and review and test the web application for bear! Thank you!! Kevin

Hi, I would be happy to help test and provide feedback.

It is very happy if I can try it !!!

Sign me up please spoke with Danilo as well he promised me a spot :wink: many thanks

I’d like to test the web app as well, because I use a windows laptop.

What a news, count me in!

I would love to test it. Thank you!

Been looking forward to this day and would love to help treat the web app!

Good morning from the UK. Exciting news and would love to test on Windows & Mac!

Would love to try the web app!

Doing a little forced browsing… I have discovered the (not very hidden) web address of the web app. Sign in doesn’t work yet (assuming have to be added to the beta…) but the UI feels like it will be amazing!

Would love to help with the beta testing.

Nice! I’d like to be added to the list.

Game changer. Count me in!

I’m interested. Please add me to the list if you need more users.

I’d like to help test it very much please! Will our notes from Bear be synched to the test version or is it a blank slate just to test it?

Super excited about the beta, I’d love to join.

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This is excellent news. Long time Bear subscriber and would love to beta test it. Let’s go!

Me too please. I would love to be a tester