Want to change the color of bold, but can't find it in the theme json script

I want to change the hex (color) for bold so that it appear wine red (hex: #941100) instead of dark black.
Which line of the theme below (cappucin latte) represents bold and that I should edit ?
thanks in advance for your time and help

  "meta": {
    "base theme": "Red Graphite"
  "base": {
    "text color": "#4c4f69",
    "text secondary color": "#6c6f85",
    "text tertiary color": "#7c7f93",
    "background color": "#EFF1F5",
    "background secondary color": "#E9EBF1",
    "background tertiary color": "#DCE0E8",
    "stroke color": "#DCE0E8",
    "accent color": "#8839EF",
    "highlight color": "#feff53",
    "search primary color": "#f0c6c6"
  "sidebar": {
    "text color": "#4c4f69",
    "text secondary color": "#4c4f69",
    "background color": "#E6E9EF",
    "background secondary color": "#D9DCE3",
    "accent color": "#BEDDED",
    "stroke color": "#DCE0E8",
    "icon color": "#7287fd",
    "selected icon color": "#4c4f69",
    "toolbar": {
      "icon color": "#9ca0b0"
  "notes": {
    "pin color": "#40a02b",
    "title color": "#179299",
    "ribbon color": "#7287fd",
    "toolbar": {
      "icon color": "#9ca0b0",
      "text color": "#9ca0b0"
  "placeholder": {
    "background color": "$base.background color",
    "background stroke color": "$base.background tertiary color",
    "shadow color": "$base.background secondary color",
    "stroke color": "#acb0be"
  "editor": {
    "link color": "#8839ef",
    "selection inactive color": "#E3E7ED",
    "headers": {
      "text color": "#179299"
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      "border color": "#bcc0cc"
    "separator": {
      "border color": "#acb0be"
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      "border color": "#179299",
      "check color": "#179299"
    "toolbar": {
      "icon color": "#9ca0b0",
      "text color": "#9ca0b0"
    "code": {
      "syntax highlight": {
        "comment": "#BCC0CC",
        "constant": "#DF8E1D",
        "number": "#FE640B",
        "string": "#40A02B",
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        "keyword": "#8839EF",
        "function": "#8839EF",
        "variable": "#8E9FFB"