I believe this only started happening after the last update (I’m on version 2.3.6 (13032), macOS 15.1 (24B83)). Notes created before this started happening do not exhibit this behavior.
This is pretty central to my workflow so I hope it gets fixed quickly
This change has been made to prevent note title renaming loops from happening when a note A links a note B in the title and vice-versa. The only way we have to prevent this case is by removing the link from the note title in the preview.
Can you elaborate on why keeping the linked note in the title is important? How does it play a central role in your workflow?
Thank you for a prompt response! Basically, when creating notes for recurring meetings I put a link to the daily note in the title. This helps me easily navigate from any meeting note to the corresponding daily note and get an overview of that day. And at the same time this link makes it possible to distinguish one recurring meeting from another.
It looks like this:
# 🐥 XYZ Team Standup [[📆 Nov 19, 2024|11/19/24]]
The problem is that now it’s difficult to create a link to a note like this (something I do all the time) because the note suggester only shows the 🐥 XYZ Team Standup part and there could be dozens of notes like that; it’s impossible to tell them apart.
If I have podcast notes, I’ll include the title of the show in the note title, linked back to a “show page” note.
If I have quotes by a specific person — often someone I’m quoting a lot — I’ll link their name to a person page, allowing me to find notes referencing them, quotes from them, articles from them, etc.
I often keep day pages for journal-like uses and will link back to those pages using a linked date in meeting notes or other random notes.
One of the features I love about Bear was this ability.
This also has made some challenges for me. I have a “main” note for each of my clients which are their name. I then link a new note for each session I have with them (I.e. [[Client Name]]: Tx3 (1 Dec 2024)). The link back to the client note is for navigation ease, so not an essential issue, but the change does mean I need to readjust now my notes are formatted, perhaps just a second line with a link.
Is this something the dev team would consider a setting for? Or does the title looping issue add too much complexity to risk people running into the problem?
Can’t the wiki brackets just be stripped for display in the sidebar list? Being able to link from a word or phrase in the title of a note is important for me, too. If this is impossible, I have to repeat the word or phrase inside the note, which is uneconomical.
That’s wonderful news. This function is also crucial in my workflow: For each topic, I have one note representing a “How to do it” and many others representing specific implementations (with the title starting with the reference of the main note.). Thank you !