The yearly subscription should be priced at €30,50, not €34,99, if a 15 percent discount is applied like the Bear website promises.
Shipping costs, or has the trade war with Europe started already?
We set the prices in USD, and the App Store does the currency conversions. Unfortunately, some countries apply different taxes to different price tiers. We changed the prices for specific countries where the average income is low, but we can’t do the same for Western countries.
Respectfully, I think Bear website shouldn’t promise a 15 percent discount for yearly subscriptions, then. And if it’s a matter of currency conversions, shouldn’t the 15 percent difference between monthly and yearly remain in place? In the Netherlands, where I am, the tax rate for both would also be the same.
Mind the prices on the website are specified in USD, but I guess we can be more specific about the discount not being available in some countries.
I can’t say this is the case. These are the App Store conversions for the $2.99 and $29.99 price tiers for subs in the Netherlands.
I guess it’s just Apple being Apple – it has nothing to do with Dutch taxes. Too bad Bear isn’t sold directly by Bear!