Choosing order of notes when grouping for export?

Hey guys, basically i have a selection of notes i want to combine and export. Is there any way to set the order in which the notes get merged? They seem to only merge in the order they are sorted in within the tag filters. Theres no way that i can see to freely move notes up and down to change the order.
Am i missing something? any alternative (simple) suggestions welcome! Thanks

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There is no way to achieve a manual sort order of notes. That type of sorting doesn’t exist in bear. As far as I can remember some of the devs mentioned that the syncing of notes would become troublesome. I also highly wish that feature. Maybe you, @trix180 or @matteo, can give a short statement about the current state of that feature

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On iPhone and iPad:

  1. Select the first note with two finger swipe in note list (this will reveal the select check boxes)
  2. Select the rest of the notes in the order you want them
  3. In the kebab menu below, choose Export … or Copy as …
  4. Export as PDF will export notes in the order you chose them above
  5. Choose print for export into one combined PDF (each note starting on new page)
  6. Print or share/save as PDF file from the print dialogue.

Alternatively you could chose duplicate in point 3, then select the duplicates, and finally choose merge to make a new combined note for export

I wish the merge function presented a choice to preserve the original notes when merging them, like: Merge into New Note – leaving the originals unchanged @trix180 @matteo :thinking::pray:

On Mac, selecting Bear notes in a specific order doesn’t work :thinking::cry: