#! didn't get recognized as a tag upon import [Bear 2.0]

Testing version:
Version 2.0 (9652)

What feature did you use:
automated import

What happened:
#! (which is a tag in Bear 1) was imported as text – it would only become a tag if I manually add a trailing hashtag. Subtags like #!/review got imported correctly as tags.

What did you expect to happen:
#! should be interpreted as a tag, same as in Bear 1.

I have this issue as well. Generally all symbols ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = { } | [ ] \ : ; " ' < > , . ? / ~ doesn’t seem to work anymore. Need a hashtag at the end.

#@ → #@#

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Yes, this is by design, punctuation is now allowed to be used near tags without being included in it. This allows for better usage of tags overall: #tag, (#tag) #tag. etc…

What we can do is migrate those tags better by adding a # at the end, but the new usage should follow this new rule.

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Makes sense. Works for me if you import existing tags correctly.