Formatting bug with line separator

Testing version:

What were you doing:

I copied some text from a Bear note into Panda. Please note that I’m using the Polar formatting in Bear. The text in question had a word in bold (with asterisks) at the beginning of the sentence. The rest was normal font. Immediately following that line, I had a separator made with three dashes.

What happened:

In Panda, the whole line became big and bold, as if it were a header. Panda converted the word in asterisks as italic.

I tried putting another line break after the text. Then, all the text became normal size.


From what I gather that seems to be the right Markdown syntax for the Alternate Header. Bear didn’t support it before, but the new Editor will. I assume your document looked like this:

*Bold* rest of the text

That will show up as a “Header level 2.”

This link shows that style under Headings → Alternate Syntax


Had this occurred a few times as well. Hopefully alternative Markdown treatment will be kind to my 4K worth of Bear notes once Panda become the working editor.