What were you doing: What feature did you use: What happened: What did you expect to happen:
Handling of backticks for code blocks and code cause issues if not closed, see: Backticks break images and sketches E.g. converting hyphens to emdashes inside code blocks (auto-pair would resolve this).
Typing > "a quote" will use the wrong smart quotes, whereas adding the block quote > later works fine.
TODOs can only be typed with - [ ] whereas GitHub and Visual Studio Code also support * [ ] . Bear supports both * and - for bullets, so why not for TODOs?
Pressing Command-B, Command-I, and typing “some text” does not result in bold-italics — it strips off the bold and just leaves italics — whereas adding the bold/italics after works.
Pressing Command-I followed by Command-B results in a horizontal rule (line separator)
If you start typing a link in by hand, [Text]( it would be nice if pasting a link from the clipboard didn’t paste the title [Text]([Title](https://...) (workaround is Paste From Plain Text)
I made a nice little TODO list in Bear for testing future betas.
You raise many good points. I will have another look now when the list of issues is much smaller.
Regarding tasks, how would you feel about adding [] as a trigger for tasks? Meaning that if you type [] at the beginning of a line, it is replaced with - [ ] .
As far as triggering a task, I’m finding that it didn’t take long to use Command-T instead of typing - [ ] or * [ ] .
The other place I’m seeing this is when importing. If a line starts with * [ ] (or the indented equivalent) it doesn’t become a task. Though it’s easy enough to go through and update the tasks with Command-T.
I have this issue when importing (using Quick Copy, Markdown + Rich Text) from Zotero. When writing PDF notes in Zotero, if I mark a todo with - [ ] it won’t convert in Bear until I place the cursor before it in Bear and hit return before each one. Tedious.