Testing version:
Version 2.0 (10641)
What were you doing:
What feature did you use:
What happened:
While typing a query and displaying results app stutters
What did you expect to happen:
Fluent experience
Testing version:
Version 2.0 (10641)
What were you doing:
What feature did you use:
What happened:
While typing a query and displaying results app stutters
What did you expect to happen:
Fluent experience
Can you please tell more about on this problem? I’d like to know on which device and how large is your database and if you have a lot of attachments (PDFs?).
Mind search might be a little slow at first because all the attachments content is indexed for search.
thanks for reply!
which device
MacBook Pro
16-inch, 2019
Ventura 13.2.1 (22D68)
how large is your database and if you have a lot of attachments (PDFs?).
a lot of attachments (PDFs?).
Some, I don’t know. I’ve got 386 notes with files.
the attachments content is indexed for search.
Will it change?
Can I also ask how many notes you have in total?
Thank you.
I’ve got 1898 notes.
Do you have more info about this issue? Will the search speed be faster after indexing or revisions?
@matteo > I recorded a message showing the lag while search Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom
Please look at it.
1900 notes
300 PDFs
MacBook Pro
16-inch, 2019
Was curious about your experience here because I have a similar amount of notes, but watching this video it seems like search is very fast? No delay is really detectable in the video. It looks essentially instantaneous.
@dane Compared to the Bear 1 version, the delay is very noticeable.
Sorry but in the video, I have changed it to x1.0 speed, it looks instantaneous to me too…
I don’t see a strong lag while typing (possibly because of the video frame rate) but We plan to enhance search typing by moving the “real” search off-thread. This is part of some enhancements we want for search but requires some time and we’ll work on it after the 2.0 release.
@trix180 lag is noticeable and very irritating. I’ll be waiting for this solution.
As others said in this thread, no clear lag is noticable in the video - it certainly might be that you experience it but in that case you did not demonstrate it well on the video (or maybe - due to technical reasons how the video is recorded/framerate/real time etc, it might not catch the lag?).
Thanks @daneb1. So another try here (with the view of keyboard):
It’s the first world problem, nothing very disappointing. But… I didn’t experience sth like this in Bear 1.
That lag is very obvious. After your first video i thought you are talking about a lag in the interplay between searchfield and its result in the notes list
Over 800 notes here, latest build. 11586
M1 Max and M1 Mac mini … I don’t experience anything like this.
Thank you. As @krssno said - now the lag is very obvious. I also misunderstood before that you meant lag in search (between typing in search field and showing of search results), but you meant lag between typing and actual text appearing on the screen in search field.
Just curious - have you tried to export all (or backup all) notes, delete all and re-install the app and restore the database/re-import everything again? It could optimise the database in case any corruption happened previously (I am not developer, just ordinary Bear user, but I would try this.)
Thank you so much, @daneb1!
@trix180, what do you think about this action suggested by @daneb1 :
Just curious - have you tried to export all (or backup all) notes, delete all and re-install the app and restore the database/re-import everything again? It could optimise the database in case any corruption happened previously (I am not developer, just ordinary Bear user, but I would try this.)
We had some reports of performance issues fixed with the restoring of the database file. I have some doubts this is your case but you can safely try by quitting Bear, deleting its data folder here
~/Library/Group Containers/9K33E3U3T4.net.shinyfrog.bear
and have it sync back from scratch.
I experienced the same issue after upgrading to Bear 2.0. There is a slight lag between my typing and the characters showing up in the search bar (as shown by @mirigung 's second video). I currently have 468 notes and my database is 71.7 MB. I’m using a MacBook Pro, 16-inch, 2019 on macOS Ventura 13.4.1. I have been a long time user of Bear and did not notice this in Bear 1.
I also experience search lag, but I experienced it in Bear 1 too. I only have a small handful of PDFs in Bear, but my database is about 4.4 GB (mostly images account for that size, although there is a lot of text too). I don’t know an easy way to determine the number of notes I have without opening the sqlite file. Is the note count accessible somewhere in the UI?
I experience this on a 2021 M1 Max Macbook Pro 16" 32 GB RAM, and on a 2023 15" MacBook Air M2 with 16 GB memory.
I actually run into a lot of performance problems on Bear because I use it heavily for so many notes. It would be nice if I could disable OCR or anything that could possibly be slowing things down that I don’t really need to enable.