Love the new sketcher feature!

I really like the sketcher feature and probably one of the best implementations of Apple Pencilkit tools. The pressure sensitivity and the way it writes is wonderful so please don’t change it.

On another note the shape recognition feature doesn’t seem to work at the moment.

Keep up the great work!

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Hi there,

Thank you for giving it a go, and for your feedback!

Regarding the shape recognition, this is only possible when using an Apple Pencil. Can I just confirm, is this what you were using when it wasn’t working?

The shape recognition is not working in the latest beta using Apple pencil. I was assuming the team knew?

Yes, I was using the Apple Pencil but it didn’t work.

Thank you for reporting this. I’ll pass it onto the team to have a look into.

The inline sketcher is definitely beautifully executed. Keep up the good work!

Things that would make Bear perfect for my usage with the Apple Pencil :

  • add a custom button to the pencil-kit for backspace the same way # is done. This will allow quick typo fix
  • implement the Apple Scribble suggested list of recognized words. When a word has that blue dotted underline, taping on it displays possible recognized helps a lot with capital letters.
  • when selecting sketch or handwriting in the sketcher, allow copying. Right now, I could not find a way to copy.

Hi Bara,

Thank you for taking the time to give Panda a go.

Thank you also for your feedback and Apple Pencil specific suggestions. They are interesting, i’ll pass them onto the rest of the team to discuss when going forward.