Opening Bear in iOS

Testing version: 2.0.14 iOS

In macOS Bear opens with the last tag selected before closing the app.
In iOS Bear opens with the list of all notes.
A bug?
Please give iOS the same behavior as in maxOS or provide a choice in settings

When bear is quitted on macOS (by cmd+q or by right click on its dock icon) it also opens with the list of all notes. What you mean is hiding bear (by cmd+h or by clicking the red close button). In latter case it opens the last tag selected.

On my MacBook Pro M1 with Sonoma it happens as I described in my message.
In macOS Bear opens with the last tag selected before closing the app.
In iOS Bear opens with the list of all notes.

At the moment we are avoiding doing the above on iOS because it can lead to crash loops (the app crashes at the start). There are still cases when Bear crashes in the background and the crash loop risks are concrete, once solved those we can consider adding the state restoration on iOS too.

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