When Bear is fully quit (or time passes, ejecting it from ram) the next launch will startup with the all “Notes” setting selected. Normally, if using the app frequently, so it stays in memory, launching the app will indeed restore to the last-used tag.
It appears that the last active tag information is lost because the last tag is stored in memory, but is not persisted to storage of the device. This would be great to persist in storage so that Bear can always launch in my most-recently used Tag.
Funny enough this was a feedback I reported during the Mac beta, and was fixed. However, have seen this for quite a while on the touch versions of Bear.
I have a log from yesterday I can send you (if you say where.)
Note that the described behavior is very easily reproduced by simply doing the swipe-up to dismiss (quit) gesture on an iPhone. Once you do that gesture, on next launch Bear will always go back to the main “all notes” tag, instead of the last open tag. So I don’t think it requires a crash, per se.
Oh, I see. Yes, we don’t have UI restoration after quitting the app on iOS. We used to but at some point caused loop crashes IIRC. We’ll see what we can do about it.
Thanks. Full state restoration would be nice, but seems less critical. I’d just be very happy to have the last selected tag remembered. Better is tag and active note (if one was open.)
Every launch of the app is reset back to all notes, which simply does not show anything I was likely working on lately. So each launch I get to navigate backward and find the right tag.
This friction alone is enough to make Bear a bad fit for quick note taking on my iPhone because new notes won’t be created in the right place, or existing notes aren’t easy to continue editing on re-launch.