Testing version: Version 1.0 (1648)
What were you doing: From the menu bar, I turned off “Edit → Spelling and Grammar → Check Spelling While Typing” and turned off “Edit → Spelling and Grammar → Correct Spelling Automatically”. I closed Panda and reopened the next day.
What feature did you use: Spelling and Grammar
What happened: Settings did not persist.
What did you expect to happen: Settings should persist between sessions.
I do think macOS management of spelling and grammar and other flags is debatable (especially for document-based apps), but what we are doing in Panda is pretty much what happens in TextEdit: The flags are saved for each document but if you quit the app they reset to the system default. I’m personally not crazy about this behavior but on the other hand, I think we should be consistent with the system-provided apps.
Technically it’s not a huge issue to have persistency across Panda sessions, but before doing it We’d like to know if more people it should behave like this.
Best Regards.
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I’m noticing a similar issue with smart quotes in version 1949. I turn them off, work on a document for a while, and close Panda. When I come back later, even when I’m working in the same file as before, the smart quotes substitutions are back on again.
The same happens with Toggle Stats. That’s minimally annoying. But having to remember to re-disable smart quotes substitutions every time I open Panda is very frustrating. Especially considering that one of the things I value most about Bear overall is the ability to quickly jot down notes before I forget about them; it’s jarring when those notes aren’t then formatted the way I expected.
Hi there,
Yes, this issue would be due to the same reasons as above.
Thank you for providing your viewpoint on it. I’ll pass it onto the development team to consider if anything can be done.
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Thank you!
For what it’s worth, I double checked changing the smart quotes substitution setting in the Apple Notes app and Typora and in both, the setting was preserved across notes and after quitting and reopening.
Thank you for the additional information and examples, i’ll pass them onto the team.
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