The text is turned upside down

Hi, maybe this has already been discussed, I did not find it through the search, for some reason the text of my notes, absolutely randomly turned upside down, as soon as I start to edit the note it goes back, pressing esc to exit the note and then come back sometimes helps, sometimes not.

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I seem to have found a very strange solution, when I press (when the text is broken) the search button (search for text within a note), the text flips back and doesn’t break again until the next time I exit the app via cmd+Q.

I experienced the same issue when using Bear with an external screen

This happened to me for the first time today; also using an external monitor (HP).

Bear version: 2.3.2 (12876)
OS Version: 13.2.1

The fix for me is scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the note, when it gets to the bottom the bottom part appears to be displayed correctly, and then the top is as well when I scroll back up to it.

Bizarre! Minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but I thought I was having a stroke the first time it happened. :crazy_face:

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