I’m using Bear last 2 years. I liked Bear 2 (Panda) but I just can’t solve 1 problem. Where is the sidebar? I’m always using tag system and sidebar. Sidebar is very useful on Bear 1. So if you add sidebar, Bear 2 can be the best app!
The sidebar is still there.
Try pressing ctrl+3
Are you still on Panda? The Bear 2.0 testflight is out : Join the Bear – Markdown Notes beta - TestFlight - Apple
Yes I saw Panda and I tried Panda.
Bear 2.0 is AMAZING!
Thank you.
CTRL + 3 didn’t work on Panda.
Ah, ok.
But the OP was referring to Bear 2, I think.
Panda is just the editor, no sidebar
Bear 2 has a sidebar. Try ctrl-3
Yes I get it. Now I’m using Bear 2 and shortcut is working. Thank you.