Note Rendering Issue

The same thing happens to me on version 2.2.1 (Sonoma 14.5). Also, a note with a title, a blank line, and a tag sometimes has a duplicate line with the tag (see img below).

EDIT: All of this happens randomly, I think - switching from short to long notes or vice versa. Also, when this occurs, going back and forth in the history doesn’t help with the rendering issue - it requires some interaction with the badly rendered note (scrolling it is enough). However, when I move back in the history, the small note (which was rendered correctly before) is scrolled down (top part of it is hidden) even though it’s less than half the screen long. So it could be somehow related to the bug from another topic (Scrolling to the Bottom of Notes?).

EDIT2: New note created from tag list:
CleanShot 2024-06-17 at 20.57.12@2x

Another new note, another example:
CleanShot 2024-06-17 at 21.27.19@2x