BUG-report: Panda Version 1.0 (3147) on MacBook Pro M3 2023 with latest release and update of MacOS.
Panda is now displaying old .panda docs with images: with invisible text:
Images are displayed, but text is invisible in both in dark and light modes (these are documents saved with the former Panda alfa, including the Welcome note.)
When I Select All (in those notes in Panda) and copy/paste into Bear, everything is revealed and looks good, so this is a curious bug.
If I copy paste Bear Welcome Note: “Get started with Bear” into Panda editor, I’ll get the same Issue: invisible text.
But if I then delete both images, text is revealed and everything else looks good.
Did a clean reinstall (deleted all traces of Panda system wide), and reinstalled from the link above, but that didn’t solve the issue
Nothing new, we’re quite busy with the Web Version and the new updates for Bear. I know some people are excited about Panda, but the team is stretched very thin at the moment
What if you can give us an access to the beta version of Panda until the team completely finish it, so we can use it from now? i think most users won’t have a problem to pay for it. Thanks a lot