Panda on MacOS: invisible text when images in note

BUG-report: Panda Version 1.0 (3147) on MacBook Pro M3 2023 with latest release and update of MacOS.

  • Panda is now displaying old .panda docs with images: with invisible text:
  • Images are displayed, but text is invisible in both in dark and light modes (these are documents saved with the former Panda alfa, including the Welcome note.)
  • When I Select All (in those notes in Panda) and copy/paste into Bear, everything is revealed and looks good, so this is a curious bug.
  • If I copy paste Bear Welcome Note: “Get started with Bear” into Panda editor, I’ll get the same Issue: invisible text.
  • But if I then delete both images, text is revealed and everything else looks good.
  • Did a clean reinstall (deleted all traces of Panda system wide), and reinstalled from the link above, but that didn’t solve the issue :cry:
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Thanks. This bug will be fixed with the next beta update.


Thank you @matteo, Version 1.0 (3148) fixed this issue :smile:

PS. Sorry to bug you :wink: but any progress update on the new Panda beta?

Nothing new, we’re quite busy with the Web Version and the new updates for Bear. I know some people are excited about Panda, but the team is stretched very thin at the moment :slight_smile:


What if you can give us an access to the beta version of Panda until the team completely finish it, so we can use it from now? i think most users won’t have a problem to pay for it. Thanks a lot