Panda update - new beta available now!

Tabs break the hierarchy of windows. You can have a main note if you want (first time I’ve heard this, to be honest) or any window becomes its own thing. Just like in a browser… do you have a main « webpage »?


A webpage is not a note: I am not going to edit a webpage while browsing. So each webpage has the same meaning. In bear however, when I am writing on a note this becomes my main note. The other notes then act as sources for writing on the main note*. In that regard there is definitely a hierarchy in meaning.

footnote* for example a collection of notes that hold resources or summaries from books and other media

Would there be a possibly an option to lock/password protect the file? Like how Bear does - iOS.

Amaaaaaazing! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Thank you thank you thank you!

Me screaming! (would love to get the panda editor back on iOS, I love this app since it allows me to edit my markdown files from devonthink).


Ditto this!! Panda on Mac and iOS for editing DevonThink files

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Panda (and Bear) are amazing editors that make me dream of ditching Obsidian.

Obsidian’s sidebar is fantastic because it simply reflects structure in Finder/Files. Character case, emojis, folder structure, etc. Seeing the structure alongside tags would be useful. Maybe customizable smart groups too (such as “notes from the last 7 days”).

Obsidian’s “Daily Note” feature is also great. I can achieve something similar with Bear and Shortcuts but it’s not as streamlined. One way to meet this need without calling it “Daily Note” could be giving us a way to specify the default title and location of new files. Both title and location should allow for some logic, like that found in the Unicode Standard #35.

Wikilinks, templates, and extensions are all nice-to-haves but I would still switch to Panda without them.

EDIT: Also, iOS and watchOS apps are a must. I’d like to see iOS as feature-rich to the macOS version as possible. The watchOS app could be super minimal, like just the ability to add text via dictation or something. Maybe this could also be done via Shortcut but I’d love to push the action button on my watch and dictate something to my daily note.

If I may hijack this for one moment, one customization I’m looking forward to in Panda (and, perhaps, in Bear one day) is more flexibility with tables. Just yesterday, I was trying to create a checklist of meeting attendees using a table to save space by having multiple attendees on a line. In Bear, not only could I not add the checkbox (todo), the first line was set up as a header, which I did not want. I tried to remove the Markdown for that, but was unable to do so. Being able to do so in Panda would be a good step, as well as letting me move my meeting documents out of Bear and into Panda. Think of it as a first step toward workspaces (one in Bear, one in Panda). I think of them as complementary products; I hope the Shiny Frogs do as well.

Two questions:

  • Is this the proper thread for reporting Panda issues or should they go under Bugs?
  • I downloaded Panda 2, but the Settings menu item is greyed out. Is that intentional?

The ios version would be awesome. Would love to use it to edit obsidian docs. Actually would love an ipad version

Any updates on this. I don’t see why the TestFlight for iOS panda can’t be renewed as it was without making updates for now. I would gladly pay for the app if you released on App Store.

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Hello Matteo and all Bear/Panda devs,
How is the Panda revival going?

BUG-report: Panda Version 1.0 (3147) on MacBook Pro M3 2023 with latest release and update of MacOS.

  • Panda is now displaying old .panda docs with images: with invisible text:
  • Images are displayed, but text is invisible in both in dark and light modes (these are documents saved with the former Panda alfa, including the Welcome note.)
  • When I Select All (in those notes in Panda) and copy/paste into Bear, everything is revealed and looks good, so this is a curious bug.
  • If I copy paste Bear Welcome Note: “Get started with Bear” into Panda editor, I’ll get the same Issue: invisible text.
  • But if I then delete both images, text is revealed and everything else looks good.
  • Did a clean reinstall (deleted all traces of Panda system wide), and reinstalled from the link above, but that didn’t solve the issue :cry:

Hope to see the old or new alfa/beta of Panda also on iOS/iPad soon, but I’m actually more interested in the Web version of Bear. Hope you are doing good progress on that.

I’m ready to beta-test either Panda :panda_face: or Bear-web :bear:, whatever comes first! :sunglasses:

Keep up the good work!
All the best.


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Panda beta seems to be expired again. Will we receive any updates? Many thanks for any response!

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I’ll definitely pay for the subscription of Panda, if I was getting a way to pay for it :pray:

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Same here. I use Panda as a daily driver and the beta expired again :frowning:


Another data point here. I use the Panda app daily and says it has expired.

I also use Bear, but the Panda app is for stand alone text files I don’t want to edit with BBEdit

Any solution?

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I also am missing Panda, my go-to markdown editor. I would also pay to have access, even to the current beta version, if it would not expire.

I use it daily to prepare slide presentations for class.

Can’t use Bear (though I subscribe) because the markdown needs to be in git and I also use eleventy to publish to HTML.

Killer feature of Panda (and Bear) is that I can drop images into the editor and it puts the file in assets (I use textbundles) and links to it. The only thing even close is Obsidian, but I don’t want to go there.

Please help, thanks!

I don’t understand why Panda can’t be released as a standalone MD editor.

I’d rather give the Bear devs my money than spend $120 on iaWriter;

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They are working on it. Just not ready yet. I think the developers may be on holidays right now.

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My impression is that their focus is currently on the web-based version of Bear. Hopefully we’ll hear about Panda as a full product again, in the future.