Testing version: Bear 2.0 9803
What were you doing: tagging (using already created tag in another note)
What feature did you use: tags
What happened: When I have already used particular tags (they appear in tagpanel), which are starting with colon (e.g. #:test/one), these tags does note appear in suggestions when I start to write it (e.g. writing “#:t”) in the note. No hint/suggestions (list of already used tags) appears.
I know that colon is used for smileys, but in B1 I also used it for other tags. Is it bug or a plan? Should we potentially avoid using tags starting with a colon (other than emoticons) ?
(I speak about suggestion list of my, individually used tags (not emoticons). Suggestion list of defined emoticons appear correctly)
What did you expect to happen: hints/suggestion list would appear as with other tags